Hepatitis b is a serious liver infection caused by the hepatitis b virus hbv. The virus is passed from person to person through bodily fluids including blood or semen. The centers for disease control and prevention is a good place to start.
Screening for hepatitis b is recommended in pregnant women at their first prenatal. The infection can range in severity from being mild or acute lasting just a few weeks to a serious. Hepatitis b is a liver infection caused by the hepatitis b virus.
This can happen through sexual contact. Hepatitis b vaccine is usually given as 2 3 or 4 shots. You cant spread hepatitis b through casual contact so dont cut yourself off from people who can offer support.
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Hepatitis b ausschlag. Hepatitis b can cause a range. There is a vaccine that protects against it. Hepatitis b is a vaccine preventable liver infection caused by the hepatitis b virus hbv..
Having chronic hepatitis b increases your risk of developing liver failure liver cancer or cirrhosis a condition that permanently scars of the liver. Hepatitis b and c can cause similar symptoms in both the acute and chronic infection stages. Leberentzuendung typ b ist eine virusinfektion der leber. Hepatitis b ausschlag.
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